অনুমোদিত ডাক্তারের পরামর্শ অনুসারে সারা দেশে জরুরী প্রয়োজনে মেডিকেল অক্সিজেন সিলিন্ডার দ্রুত সময়ে বাসায় ডেলিভারি দেয়া হয়, আজই কল করুন: +8801719684242 & +8801719682441
Oxygen Cylinder Refill

Oxygen Tank

Breathing oxygen is delivered from the storage tank to users by use of the following methods: oxygen mask, nasal cannula, full face diving mask, diving helmet, demand valve, oxygen rebreather, built in breathing system (BIBS), oxygen tent, and hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Contrary to popular belief scuba divers very rarely carry oxygen tanks. The vast majority of divers breathe air or nitrox stored in a diving cylinder. A small minority breathe trimix, heliox or other exotic gases. Some of these may carry pure oxygen for accelerated decompression or as a component of a rebreather. Some shallow divers, particularly naval divers, use oxygen rebreathers or have done so historically. Oxygen is rarely held at pressures higher than 200 bars (3,000 psi), due to the risks of fire triggered by high temperatures caused by adiabatic heating when the gas changes pressure when moving from one vessel to another. Medical use liquid oxygen airgas tanks are typically 350 psi (24 bar). All equipment coming into contact with high pressure oxygen must be “oxygen clean” and “oxygen compatible”, to reduce the risk of fire. “Oxygen clean” means the removal of any substance that could act as a source of ignition. “Oxygen compatible” means that internal components must not burn readily or degrade easily in a high pressure oxygen environment. Oxygen Tank
